Wednesday 3 August 2011

Welcome to Petits Plats !

Bonjour visitors !   
          I am really happy to receive you on my brand new blog, long time due and extremely needed. So I hope that all of you who wanted to see a website or a blog about Petits Plats will find all useful information here.
First of all, I am in Auckland, NZ. What an adventure it has been! When I first thought about creating this business, I was so unsure and because it was such a big jump, so far from my real background, I didn't believe I could do it. But here I am, creating a blog that my customers have asked for a long time, showing my products which started with the basic Beef Bourguignon and Tapenade and now covers a whole range of meals, dips and desserts.  
So, thanks to all of you, dear customers, for allowing my dream to come true, for liking my cooking, for being loyal and for recommending Petits Plats to your friends. I owe you my success and I will honour your expectations of quality, freshness and truly French homemade food.
If you want to contact me, please go to the "Contact Us" page.
          - Michèle Chaudesaigues –