
Here you have the most famous French dips and some of my family spreads, all homemade, no additive and no preservative!

Ingrédients: black olives, anchovies, capers, garlic, lemon, olive oil, pepper
How to eat it? Can I use a cliché? The limit is your imagination. Yes, I know, but I am almost right. You can use it of course, on a platter with toasted bread and crackers but also in a sandwich, one (or tow J) teaspoon in your salade dressing (and you will amaze your guests). You could use it on a pizza base or with pasta. Some of my customers enjoy it with a piece of roasted meat too... I told you, just open your mind to the opportunities.

Ingrédients: anchovies, butter and lemon
How to eat it? Be aware! This product is very strong in taste. Use with moderation. A little bit is better than too much. You can use it on a platter with crackers or bread, but you can also spread it on a piece of bread and a slice ot tomatoe on the top. You can certainly mix it with pasta to change from the tomatoe sauce or put a teaspoon to melt on a fried fish.

Ingrédients: Tuna, cream cheese, parsley, salt, pepper, tabasco and celeri
How to eat it? Same as you would do with a pesto. If you like tuna, just spread it wherever you want. Me? I just toast it on bread for lunch... Yes, I know, not very healthy but to relieve my conscience, I add slices of tomatoe or lettuce on it. And I feel so much at peace!

Ingrédients: Chick peas, carrots, tahini, lemon, garlic, cumin, olive oil and canola, salt.
How to eat it? Well, what can I suggest? It’s a hummus. Use it as you use the hummus usually. This family recipe was born because back in France at my parents’, we were meat eaters and my father created this lighter version of the real hummus. Use it in a platter, with pasta, sandwiches or anything else you want.

Ingrédients: Eggplant, olive oil, garlic, lemon and cumin.
How to eat it? Again what can I suggest? Use it in a platter, with pasta, on a pizza base, in sandwiches, spread on meat or anything else you want.